Monday, 5 January 2009

Getting up to Date

Now I am talking to everyone I meet, explaining the concept, asking for feedback. On the whole, it is very positive. A few people don’t quite get it, not straightaway. Some say, great idea, but is it the right time, there’s a recession you know? My reply is that since jobs aren’t so secure anymore, perhaps now is exactly the right time.

I go to the Good Food Show and meet a whole bunch of potential suppliers, both for the school and the shop. I spend a load of money on ‘samples’ and a couple of signed copies of Heston Blumenthal’s new book. I think he is one of our most innovative ever chefs and I want the books as prizes for an idea I have for the website.

Bruno and Tony, who bring in a fabulous balsamic vinegar from Italy, are fantastic. They invite me to the Gordon Ramsey show as their guest. It’s nowhere near as good as Good Food, but I get introduced to some more Italians who have some great products, so it’s still worthwhile.

I have meetings with Clinton, June and Karen, who look after web, ads and branding respectively. All good, but I still can’t commit to anything without planning. 22nd December arrives – nothing in the post. 23rd and 24th go by, still no decision. Well, it is Christmas. I decide to not worry about it until next year, but 2nd January arrives and still nothing.

Alright, I think. Monday 5th. The first proper day of the New Year. Post arrives, no decision. As Sir Isaac Newton once said,

“if the apple won’t fall, let's go shake the tree.”

Where's that phone number?

For those of you who have stumbled onto this blog, this and the preceding posts are a brief history of Just Cook, the Captains' Log, if you will, of my starry eyed enterprise.

This post brings us more or less up to date with the conception, now I've just got to get through the pregnancy and give birth!

All advice, suggestions and constructive criticism gratefully received, so please leave your comments.

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